Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'd put a clever title here, but those are for creative people and I guess that right now I'm not one of them

I've had a few people tell me that I should keep a blog - well I do already, sort of. But most of those are specialized or I never post there anyway (or when I do I am overcome by rambling about My Little Pony and Batman Beyond and other comic books and cartoons and such things - something I shall endeavor to refrain from repeating in this blog).

The big difference, maybe, is that those blogs are for everyone, including people I don't really know (or don't know at all) and I'm hoping I can keep this one more as a way to keep up with friends and family. It changes what you talk about. I'm bad at emails, I can be bad at talking to people in general, curling up in my room with my too-much-stuff which every day I keep telling myself I need to sort through and which somehow I never manage to, but here (hopefully) is a chance for me to keep things a little more updated. And hey who knows, maybe a chance to get a little more organized at the same time. We'll see about that.

I am currently watching this great 70s movie called What's Up Doc, forlornly contemplating cleaning my room and finishing my exams, wondering how on earth I'll organize everything and realizing that my bamboo is still in a broken vase, as I haven't managed to really find another one that I like that seems reasonably priced and seems like it'd fit the bamboo properly. I'm moving home soon, as the semester is almost done.

Okay, I need to get things done.

My problem really is that I'm a coward, and hiding frequently seems so much easier than dealing with things - but don't worry, mom, I'm sure one of these days I'll manage to figure out that it really isn't. Really figure out, that is, in a way that changes one when one realizes it, instead of just knowing and doing nothing different. That kind of knowledge is not particularly useful, after all, and does not seem properly gained.

Two of my roommates have moved out already, though it wasn't that long ago. It still feels odd to have them gone (hi Jana and Clarice btw, if you ever read this) and equally strange to have some boy moving his stuff into this apartment, as they are switching this building next semester.

I really should stop writing; I have things to do. Well, I suppose I can write more later. There's not a terrible lot to write right now anyway, so perhaps it's just as well.

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