Monday, July 25, 2011

A lot of how things sound is just how you word them

I find myself wanting to use the word "adventure" when I describe things to someone. Calling something an adventure, after all, sound much more exciting and exotic than just saying something you did, and therefore perhaps gives the illusion that you are leading a wild life full of romance and buried treasure, or perhaps international spy drama (or even a combination of all three). My life at the moment contains none of these things, but perhaps if I make it sound as though it did, it might be shamed into actually living up to the expectations that I am placing on it.

Although really, now that I think of it, all that would be terribly exhausting anyway, and perhaps dangerous. I suppose there's nothing wrong with leading the quiet life - most people do, after all - but I think I'd still like to have an adventure now and then. Thankfully we have books, and you can still go adventuring from any number of more convenient positions than deepest Africa or the alps or the high seas. It's a good thing too, all those places are hard to get at.

I've gone off on a tangent now, haven't I?

I've been home one day, and pretty much nothing is unpacked. My collection of my little pony dolls (I cannot believe that I am buying my little pony dolls any more than I can believe that absolutely no one except my mother seems to care in the slightest either way - I mean I brought them to class with me a few times to see how long it'd take someone to comment on them and NO ONE DID) are mostly staring down at me, accompanied by a new Princess Celestia/Princess Luna set that I walked over to Target and bought, and listed on ebay (as this set is not even supposed to be released yet and I got it, so rare item, woohoo!). I have been nervously refreshing my ebay page to see if anyone bids on it (it is my first auction), despite knowing this is ridiculous, as it's been listed for like 2 hours now and the auction ends in 7 days. And besides, I told myself sternly after like the 8th time of doing this, if nobody does bid on it then oh well, you have a Luna figure (Luna is the best pony) and a Celestia figure for use as customization bait. If someone does bid on it I'll probably want to buy another one anyway, so I force myself to sit back and close the window.

I always do this though. Not with ebay, or with pony auctions, but with anything that requires me to wait to find the result.

There was a fireworks show that I went down to earlier, which was wildly impressive and must have cost I-don't-know-how-much-but-a-LOT. It looked like a professionally organized city-run fireworks show, rather than just some guy in the neighborhood setting off fireworks that he bought - which was what it was. I love the fireworks that look like old gold, and the blue ones, and the ones that sparkle with little white sparks like stars. There were a lot of every kind of anything, and it was all very impressive, as for the first year (I think) in I'm-not-sure the big fireworks that shoot up and explode in the sky that you always see in the professional shows are legal here.

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